Thursday, 10 December 2015

Common dialog control- Font and Color Dialog in Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic 6.0 Tutorial:Working with Common Dialog Control and its different Dialogs i.e Open,Save,Color,Font,Print and Help.
Video tutorial is focused on following points:
1.How to add Common Dialog Control 6.0 into VB form.
2.How to use different dialogs (Open,Save,Color,Font,Print and Help) with this control.
3.How to use different methods /Actions to invoke a particular dialog.
4.How to work with Font Dialog  and its different flags in detail.
(How to add specific fonts and Style,effects .colors ,Help to font dialog and how  to make them functional with code.)
5.How to work with Color Dialog and its different flags in detail.
(How to add different color options (Custom colors,Full Colors,Disable custom color)onto the color dialog and use them with text and background etc)

Source Code:
For Color Dialog Button
Private Sub colorbtn_Click()
On Error GoTo errorfix
dialogtest.Flags = &H1
Form1.BackColor = dialogtest.Color
End Sub
For Font Dialog button
Private Sub fontbtn_Click()
On Error GoTo errorfix
dialogtest.Flags = &H3 Or &H100 Or &H4
txtsample.FontName = dialogtest.FontName
txtsample.FontBold = dialogtest.FontBold
txtsample.FontItalic = dialogtest.FontItalic
txtsample.FontSize = dialogtest.FontSize
txtsample.FontStrikethru = dialogtest.FontStrikethru
txtsample.FontUnderline = dialogtest.FontUnderline
txtsample.ForeColor = dialogtest.Color
End Sub

for more Visual Basic tutorials,please visit
Youtube Channel:
Computer Gyan Blog:

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Search Records in Database (By Name or ID)-Visual Basic6.0 -Ms Access

How to search records in the database by entering either Name or Roll No/ID -Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access Database Application.
 In my earlier tutorial,I demonstrate-How to Add,Delete,Update and Clear Records.,
Now ,I am going to Add one more feature to this Application.
So In this tutorial,I demonstrate-How can you search a particular record in the database by entering either Roll No/ID or Name in the Textbox on the form.
 Following features covered:
1.How to make necessary changes in database connection (ADODC) for searching records in the database.
2.How to search records by Roll No/ID in the Database.
3.If Record is not available in the database,Then A warning Message box (Record Not Found-search for any other Roll No/ID) Appears.
4.How to search existing records by Name in the database

Source Code:
Double click on Go Button and Write the following code.
Private Sub gobtn_Click()
Studentdb.RecordSource = "select * from Student_Info where RollNo ='" + rollsearch.Text + "'or Name ='" + rollsearch.Text + "'"
If Studentdb.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found ,Please Try any other Rollno", vbInformation
Studentdb.Caption = Studentdb.RecordSource
End If
End Sub

  If you have any queries,suggestions or problems,please leave comments.
 for more Visual Basic tutorials,Visit Youtube Channel: Computer Gyan Blog: Do share and Subscribe to my channel :-)

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Add,Delete ,Update,Search using VB6 DataGrid- ADODC and Access-Step by Step

Visual Basic Database Application:Add,Delete ,Update,Search Records Using Data Grid -Adodc Control and MS Access 2003-Step by Step
How to add ,delete,Update and Search records in DataGrid control placed on VB form.
How to change the properties to format the Data Grid control.
in this Application,I am using my previous App database (Student Database.mdb).
1.firstly ,Data Grid control and Adodc are not available on toolbox.So add these controls to form for use.
Next make the database connectivity using Adodc.DataGrid Control works only with ADODC control.So you have to use these two control on the form.One Adodc is used for database connectivity and Datagrid is used for display the records in the form of rows and columns.set the datasource property of Data Grid  to name of adodc for displaying the information in the form.
2.Once data is shown on the form,then set the datagrid property for adding ,deleting  and updating the records.
3.Add search capability to the datagrid.You can search the records by entering Name or RollNo in the textbox.if record is not available,it shows message"No Record Found".
4.How to filter the information about the students .
Everything is explained and performed in this application.

If you like my video,Please Hit like button and Subscribe to my channel for latest updates on tutorials.

Source Code:
Delete Record Command Button
Dim confirm As Integer

Private Sub delbtn_Click()
confirm = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the Record", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Warning Message")
If confirm = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Record Deleted Successfully", vbInformation, "Delete Record Confirmation"
MsgBox "Record Not Deleted", vbInformation, "Record Not Deleted"
End If
End Sub
General Category Command Button
Private Sub GEN_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='GEN'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Search By Roll No or Name :GO command Button

Private Sub gosearch_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where RollNo='" + Text1.Text + "' or Name='" + Text1.Text + "'"
If adogrid.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found,Enter any other Roll No or Name", vbCritical, "Message"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End If
End Sub
OBC Category Command Button
Private Sub obc_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='OBC'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Plus One Class Command Button
Private Sub plusone_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Class='Plus One'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Plus Two Class Command Button
Private Sub plustwo_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Class='Plus Two'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
SC Category Command Button
Private Sub sc_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='SC'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
ST Category Command Button
Private Sub st_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='ST'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
View All Records Command Button
Private Sub viewall_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub

Please leave  comments and suggestions.
If you like my video,Please Hit like button and Subscribe to my channel for latest updates on tutorials.

Monday, 9 November 2015

How to Install and Configure MySQL 5.6 Server on Windows PC-Step by Step...

Install and configure Generally available GA MySQL 5.6 Server on Windows PC.
MySQL is Open Source Database Management Software under General Purpose License.
This video tells:
How to download ,install and configure MySQL.
How to use MySQL Server command line for executing SQL Queries.Some examples of SQL queries are executed after the installation for demonstration purpose..

Please subscribe.. :-)

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Advanced Login System using Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access-Quick and easy

Create An Advanced Login System in Visual Basic 6.0 and Ms Access.

Features of this application are

Splash screen with progress bar,Welcome form asking for login or register,Registration form for new users to get register,Multi-User Login form for existing users as well new users registered.As you login successfully,you will be able to use the system.

In this video tutorial,you will able to create a splash screen having a progress bar indicating % complted status,as loading completes,A new form i.2 Welcome form will appeared on screen asking for Login or Register as a User.You can either register as new user or login into the system.For registration,A form Registration is available to create new username and password.Simultaneously,after the registration,you will be able to login with your current username and password.
In the tutorial,There are five VB forms:
1.Splash Screen having Progress Bar.
2.Welcome Form asking for Login (Existing User )or Register (New User).
3.Registration form for creating new users to use the sytem.
4.Multi-User Login form where all the users registered with the system ,can login into the system and Use the system.
5.Application form,As you login with your correct credentials,then you will be able to use the system.
Database connectivity or other programming stuff are explained step by step with written caption.
After watching this video,you wll be create the same login application for your own use.
for more information ,click on the Link:
Please leave a comment for any query.if you like my video,hit like button.
for more informative videos on technologies ,please subscribe to my channel.

Source Code: Splash Screen
Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1.Enabled = True
Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 5
lblstatus.Caption = "Loading..Plz Wait.."
lblstat.Caption = ProgressBar1.Value & "%"
If ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Max Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Me
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub
Private Sub logbtn_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub regbtn_Click()
End Sub
Registration form

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Login Form using Visual Basic 6.0 Adodc and Ms Access Database- Step by ...

Create a simple login form in visual basic 6.0 using ADODC control and Microsoft Access 2003 database-Step by Step demonstration.

After watching this video,you will be able to create a login form where multiple users can logged in and use the system.

In this Video tutorial,following points are discussed:

1.How to create a database and store the login credentials of different Users using access for VB login app.

2.How to Create a login form and do database connectivity with access .

3.How to do the authentication of users using some SQL commands and a piece of VB code.

Tutorial is only for Beginners,No validations rules are applied or followed while developing this login form.

No step is skipped while demonstration.All steps are explained with written text.

Source Code:

Private Sub loginbtn_Click()

loginado.RecordSource = "select * from Logintab where Username='" + txtuser.Text + "' and Password='" + txtpass.Text + "'"


If loginado.Recordset.EOF Then

MsgBox "Login failed,Try Again..!!!", vbCritical, "Please Enter correct Username and Password"


MsgBox "Login Successful.", vbInformation, "Successful Attempt"


End If

End Sub


Private Sub cancelbtn_Click()


End Sub

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Monday, 28 September 2015

How to Add,Update,Delete and Clear records in Database (Ms Access) with ...

How to add,Update ,Delete and Clear records in Ms Access Database using ADODC control -An Advanced Visual Basic Application (Step by step full tutorial with explanation of each step).

This tutorial is focused on following points.

* How to create a simple database with MS Access.

*How to add ADODC Control on the Visual Basic Toolbox.

*How to use the ADODC control and set the properties and establish database connection using Ms Access .

*How to set the properties of each fields according to database application.

*How to hide ADODC control.

*How to add Record navigation buttons i.e First,Previous,Next,Last.

*How to perform Database Operation i.e ADD Record,Delete Record,Update Record and Clear the records.

In this tutorial,every step is explained with supportive text within the everyone can follow the steps to build such applications quite easily.

if you have any queries,suggestions or problems,please leave a comments.

Do share and Subscribe to my channel :-)

Source Code:


Private Sub Addbtn_Click()


End Sub


Private Sub cancelbtn_Click()

txtroll.Text = ""

txtname.Text = ""

txtclass.Text = ""

txtadd.Text = ""

txtemail.Text = ""

txtphone.Text = ""

End Sub


Private Sub delbtn_Click()

confirmation = MsgBox("Do you want to delete this record", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Delete Record Confirmation")

If confirmation = vbYes Then


MsgBox "Record has been deleted Successfully", vbInformation, "Message"


MsgBox "Record Not Delete !!!", vbInformation, "Message"

End If

End Sub


Private Sub updatebtn_Click()

Studentdb.Recordset.Fields("RollNo") = txtroll.Text

Studentdb.Recordset.Fields("Name") = txtname.Text

Studentdb.Recordset.Fields("Class") = txtclass.Text

Studentdb.Recordset.Fields("Address") = txtadd.Text

Studentdb.Recordset.Fields("email") = txtemail.Text

Studentdb.Recordset.Fields("Phone") = txtphone.Text


MsgBox "data is saved successfully", vbInformation, "Message"

End Sub


Private Sub exitbtn_Click()


End Sub


Private Sub firstbtm_Click()


End Sub


Private Sub lastbtn_Click()


End Sub


Private Sub nxtbtn_Click()


End Sub


Private Sub prevbtn_Click()


End Sub

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

A Simple Visual Basic Database Application using Data Control -Tutorial...

(Browse the information of customers stored in NWIND.mdb Microsoft Access database using data control *without any programming)

Create a simple database application with MS Access Database provided in visual basic installation folder in C Drive.

Videos key points: (Without any programming )

How to link or connect to MS Access database with VB using data control.
How to connect or link our textbox or label with database.
How to hide the data control.
How to add navigation button for moving the records from beginning to last or previous to next etc.

First Step:
Locate the Database
Goto C: Drive and Open Program files.Now Find Microsoft Visual Studio folder.Open it and Select VB98 Folder and Open it also.Here you will find Two Access Databases NWIND.mdb and
Just Copy that files and place in another drive for user.

To connect database by Setting data control properties:
Database Name,Access And Record Source.
To display data with Text box or any other control by Setting control properties:
Data Source and Data field.

You will be able to develop the same application after watching this video.
please leave a comment for any suggestion or help.

Subscribe to my Channel:-)

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Customize Font Dialog Box using ListBox,Checkbox,Frame in (VB6) Visual B...

Customize Font Dialog Box in Visual Basic 6
Visual Basic Customize Font Dialog Box is Identical to font dialog available with Microsoft Office.You can apply different font faces,Font Sizes,Font Styles and effects like Uppercase,Lowercase,Strike Through,Underline etc to the sample text.
We can design our own font dialog box using standard controls i.e Label,List Box,Checkbox,frame etc available in Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6)

Saturday, 22 August 2015

How to install Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 for windows 7 Pc - Quick and easy

Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 is the last version of the desktop publishing application,provided by Adobe.
In this video,You will able to install the Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 easily.
Step by Step instruction:How to Install.

How to install Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 for windows 7 Pc - Quick and easy

Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 is the last version of the desktop publishing application,provided by Adobe.
In this video,You will able to install the Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 easily.
Step by Step instruction:How to Install.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Customize Font Dialog Box using ListBox,Checkbox,Frame in (VB6) Visual B...

Customize Font Dialog Box using ListBox,Checkbox,Frame in (VB6) Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic Customize Font Dialog Box is Identical to font dialog available with Microsoft Office.You can apply different font faces,Font Sizes,Font Styles and effects like Uppercase,Lowercase,Strike Through,Underline etc to the sample text.
We can design our own font dialog box using standard controls i.e Label,List Box,Checkbox,frame etc available in Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6).

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Source Code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
List1.AddItem "Times new roman"
List1.AddItem "Roman"
List1.AddItem "Stencil"
List1.AddItem "Calibri"
List1.AddItem "Batang"
List1.AddItem "Arial"
For i = 8 To 25 Step 2
List2.AddItem i
Next i
 List3.AddItem "Regular"
 List3.AddItem "Bold"
 List3.AddItem "Italic"
 List3.AddItem "Bold Italic"

 End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()
Label1.FontName = List1.Text

End Sub

Private Sub List2_Click()
Label1.FontSize = List2.Text
End Sub

Private Sub List3_Click()
If List3.Text = "Bold" Then
Label1.FontBold = True
ElseIf List3.Text = "Italic" Then
Label1.FontItalic = True
ElseIf List3.Text = "Bold Italic" Then
Label1.FontItalic = True
Label1.FontBold = True
ElseIf List3.Text = "Regular" Then
Label1.FontItalic = False
Label1.FontBold = False
Label1.FontItalic = False
Label1.FontBold = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub LowerCase_Click()
If LowerCase.Value = 1 Then
Label1.Caption = LCase(Label1.Caption)
Label1.Caption = "Sample Text"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Strike_Click()
If Strike.Value = 1 Then
Label1.FontStrikethru = True
Label1.FontStrikethru = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Underline_Click()
If Underline.Value = 1 Then
Label1.FontUnderline = True
Label1.FontUnderline = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UpperCase_Click()
If UpperCase.Value = 1 Then
Label1.Caption = UCase(Label1.Caption)
Label1.Caption = "Sample Text"

End If
End Sub

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

How to download Upgarde Windows 10 Home Edition for Windows 7 PC-Easy

How to  download Upgarde Windows 10 Home Edition  for Windows 7 PC-Easy

Once you got the notification from will be able to download your much awaited Windows 10 easily.I will show you how you can download your free upgrade easily.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0-Adjust VB form (Splash Screen) in middle of the s...

Learn Visual Basic 6.0-Adjust VB form in middle of the screen-Quick and easy

In this tutorial,we are going to adjust Visual Basic form  (Splash Screen)in the middle or center of the screen.

Also ,Change Border style and disable Max/Min/Close button,use of Picture Box control to make a splash screen as well.
Source Code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2

End Sub

Please Subscribe to my channel. :-)

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Reserve and Free Upgrade to Windows 10 -Windows 7 and 8 Users

Microsoft Alert for Windows 7 and 8 Users ‘Reserve’ Free Windows 10 Upgrade

Microsoft Official News: Windows 10 is coming on 29 July 2015.Windows 7 or Windows 8 and above

Users can download and Install the final version of Windows 10 on July 29 onwards.

All you have to do, Just "Reserve free Windows 10 Upgrade".

*Click on the small Windows icon (Get Windows 10 App)found at the right end of the taskbar.

Get Windows 10 App--checks to make sure your device is compatible, and it reserves your free upgrade

*Click “Reserve your free upgrade” in the app window.

*Enter your email if you want a confirmation of this reservation.

*Done. you can also cancel your reservation at any time.

PC Requirements

Operating System:Windows7 Sp1 or Windows 8.1 Update

Processor : 1GHz or faster

RAM : 1GB (32-bit) or 2GB (64-bit)

Hard disk space : 16GB for 32 bit,20 GB for 64 bit

Graphics card : Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver



for more information

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Saturday, 30 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6)- Road Traffic lights Demonstration App Usin...

Learn Visual Basic 6.0(VB6)- Road Traffic lights Demonstration App Using Timer and Shape Control

as we know that how traffic lights works..

But in this video demonstration, following  issues i.e

*How will you design the Traffic light using Shape control.

*How will you make the traffic lights functional using timer control.

for more Visual Basic tutorials,please visit

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Source Code:

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Static state As Integer

Select Case state

Case 0

shpred.BackColor = vbRed

shpyellow.BackColor = vbWhite

shpgreen.BackColor = vbWhite

lblmsg.Caption = "Stop"


Timer1.Interval = 7000

state = 1

Case 1

shpred.BackColor = vbWhite

shpyellow.BackColor = vbYellow

shpgreen.BackColor = vbWhite

lblmsg.Caption = "Wait"


Timer1.Interval = 2000 state = 2

Case 2 shpred.BackColor = vbWhite

shpyellow.BackColor = vbWhite

shpgreen.BackColor = vbGreen

lblmsg.Caption = "Go"


Timer1.Interval = 5000

state = 0 End Select End Sub

Please Comments and Share

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- ListBox Control- Advanced- Hospital Wards - Pat...

Hospital Wards - Patients Health Status Application
In App, Two List Boxes List1 "Ward" and List2 "Patients" are used .
When we click on the any ward i.e ICU,GENERAL, ward list,Name of patients of the particular will be appeared in the Patients List.
Secondly,When you click on the name of the patient in the Patient List,It will show the Health Status of that Patient.
This demonstration is only illustrating the working of listbox control in depth.
Just watch first 5 seconds of the video to know more about this app
 Source code

Please do the comments and Like:-) 

Source Code for Hospital Wards - Patients Health Status Application:
Private Sub List1_Click()
Dim ward As String
ward = List1.Text
Select Case ward
Case "ICU"
List2.AddItem "Ramesh"
List2.AddItem "Kamal"
List2.AddItem "Raman"
List2.AddItem "Sanjeev"
List2.AddItem "Kamal"
List2.AddItem "Palvinder"
List2.AddItem "Priya"
List2.AddItem "Naina"
List2.AddItem "Reena"
List2.AddItem "Jonny"
List2.AddItem "Kewal"
List2.AddItem "Raman"
List2.AddItem "Rajinder"
List2.AddItem "Kishore"
List2.AddItem "Rajan"
List2.AddItem "Rocky"
List2.AddItem "Mohit"
List2.AddItem "Aman"
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub List2_Click()
If List2.Text = "Ramesh" Then
Text1.Text = "Patient is Under Medical Supervision"
ElseIf List2.Text = "Sanjeev" Then
Text1.Text = "Patient is Critical"
ElseIf List2.Text = "Jonny" Then
Text1.Text = "Patient is  under rehablitation"
End If
End Sub

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick ...

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick and easy
A ComboBox control is a combination of a TextBox and a ListBox control.
This video demonstration is focused on following points.
How can you add combo box into your form.
How can you add list items into your combo box control during loading of a form.
also how combo box works  with textbox.
as we click on any list item in  drop down list,it shows the values in the text box in the application (Know your Politician App).
it is simple application to demonstrate working of Combo box and its properties.


Code :

Private Sub Combo1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = "Raja Virbadra Singh" Then
Text1.Text = "Present Chief Minister of H.P."
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Prem Kumar Dhumal" Then
Text1.Text = "Ex -Chief Minister of H.P."
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Narender Modi" Then
Text1.Text = "Prime Minister of India"
ElseIf Combo1.Text = "Arun Jeitali" Then
Text1.Text = "Finance Minister of India"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Combo1.AddItem "Raja Virbadra Singh"
Combo1.AddItem "Prem Kumar Dhumal"
Combo1.AddItem "Narender Modi"
Combo1.AddItem "Arun Jeitali"
End Sub

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick and easy

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Combo Box and its properties-Quick and easy
A ComboBox control is a combination of a TextBox and a ListBox control.
This video demonstration is focused on following points.
How can you add combo box into your form.
How can you add list items into your combo box control during loading of a form.
also how combo box works  with textbox.
as we click on any list item in  drop down list,it shows the values in the text box in the application (Know your Politician App).
it is simple application to demonstrate working of Combo box and its properties.


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

How to Install Adobe Page Maker 7.0 in Windows 7-Made easy

How to Install Adobe Page Maker 7.0 in Windows 7-Made easy
Simple steps to install adobe page maker in Windows 7.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -List Box Control- Move List Items Between the Li...

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -List Box Control- Move List Items Between the List Boxes (Move Items from one List to another List).
1.How can you add list items into the ListBox during design time.
2.How can you move list items from one list to the another list i.e (from left side to right side of the list ).

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Learn V B 6.0- ListBox Control -Add,Delete and Clear items from List

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with ListBox Control -Add,Delete and Clear items from List.

Listbox is used to present a list of choices to the user.

This tutorial is focused on following points.

*How can you add list box control onto the form.

*How can you set the properties and write code  for adding items into  List .also remove and clear the items from the list.

*We can also include the functionality to enable the add button when we starts typing in the textbox.,disable the button,when No typing.

*Also at last ,we can change the look and feel of the form .so that it looks good and interactive..

Source code is available at link.

Please comment and Share :-)

Source Code:
'For adding items into the list
Private Sub add_Click()
List1.AddItem Text1.Text
Text1.Text = ""
lblcount.Caption = List1.ListCount
End Sub

'For clear items into the list
Private Sub clear_Click()
lblcount.Caption = List1.ListCount
End Sub

'For deleting items into the list
Private Sub del_Click()
Dim ind As Integer
ind = List1.ListIndex
If ind >= 0 Then
List1.RemoveItem ind
lblcount.Caption = List1.ListCount
End If

End Sub
'For enble and diable the command button
Private Sub Text1_Change()
add.Enabled = (Len(Text1.Text) > 0)
End Sub

Please comment and Share :-)

Friday, 8 May 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Scroll Bars-Apply millions of Colors onto the VB form

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Scroll Bars-Apply millions of Colors Onto the VB form

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -Display Date and Time Using Timer Control-Quick and Easy

Learn Visual Basic 6.0 -Display Date and Time Using Timer Control

How can you display System current  date and Time using Timer Control
The Timer control allows you to perform a task at a specified interval or to wait for a specified length of time.
Quick and easy

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Learn Visual Basic 6.0- Working with Frame Control,Check Box and Option ...

Learn Visual Basic 6 0 Working with Frame Control,Check Box and Option Buttons -Quick and easy
(No Step is skipped while demonstration-Each Step is explained with quick notes )
Video demonstration is focused on following points:
1.How can you display a text while loading a form.
2.How can you insert Frame control in the form
3.How can add different checkbox  and option button controls into the frame.
4.How can you make them functional by writing the code into them.
You can work easily with such controls once you are able to find : how do they do it.
Watch this video and leave your comments for suggestions.
Subscribe to channel for find more interesting videos.

Source Code :
Private Sub ChkBold_Click()
If ChkBold.Value = 1 Then
TxtName.FontBold = True
TxtName.FontBold = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Chkitalic_Click()
If Chkitalic.Value = 1 Then
TxtName.FontItalic = True
TxtName.FontItalic = False
End If

End Sub

End Sub

Private Sub fntSize_Click()
If fntSize.Value = 1 Then
TxtName.FontSize = 12
TxtName.FontSize = 8
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
TxtName.FontSize = 8

End Sub

Private Sub Opt1_Click()
Txtgen.Text = "Male"
Txtgen.FontBold = True

End Sub

Private Sub Opt2_Click()
Txtgen.Text = "Female"
Txtgen.FontBold = True
End Sub

Saturday, 18 April 2015

How Plotter Works-Demonstration

A plotter gives a hard copy of the output. It draws pictures on paper using a pen..Ideal for Flex Cut out,Advertisement ,Public Attention .
Video is shooted by sandeep kaundal

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Visual Basic 6.0 Video Tutorial -Working with Command Button and its Properties

 Visual Basic 6.0 Video Tutorial -Working with Command Button and its Properties

Visual Basic 6 0 Tutorial
Working with Command Button and its properties
Discover best in learning and making the best use of Visual Basic 6.0 tool ..

The command button control is used to begin, interrupt, or end a process. When clicked, it invokes a command that has been written into its Click event procedure.

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Visual Basic 6.0 Video Tutorial-Working with Label and its properties

Visual Basic 6.0 Video Tutorial-Working with Label and its properties

VB 6.0 Tutorial
How we can add labels on a form and format them in interactive way .
This is probably the first control you will master. It is used to display static text, titles and screen output from operations.

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Visual Basic 6.0 Video Tutorial- working with Message Box -MsgBox Function

Visual Basic 6.0 Video Tutorial- working with Message Box -MsgBox Function

This VB6 tutorial explains how to use the MsgBox function in Visual Basic. This also works for VBS MsgBox. The MsgBox function displays a message in a dialog box, waits for the user to click a button, and returns an Integer indicating which button the user clicked.

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How to type Copyright ,Registered and Trade Mark Symbol in MS Word Document-do it quickly

How to type Copyright ,Registered and Trade Mark Symbol in MS Word Document-do it quickly

Add Copyright Symbol,Registered and Trademark Symbol in MS Word Document.
Simplest and easiest ways to add these symbol in your document just in fraction of  second.
Please Like and Share :-)

Type Rupee Symbol in MS Word-Do it quickly

Type Rupee Symbol in MS Word-Do it quickly

Simple Steps to add Rupee Symbol in your Microsoft Word Document.
Add rupee symbol very easily .everyone can add it quickly.
just watch this video

Delete unwanted and temporary files from your system-Boost your PC

Delete unwanted and temporary files from your system-Boost your PC
Simple steps to free the space occupied by Unwanted or Temporary files in your computer.
Simple Commands to delete such files and utilize the space effectively.
Watch and share.

How to delete Windows.Old Folder using DISK CLEANUP in WIndows 8

How to delete Windows.Old Folder using DISK CLEANUP in WIndows 8
WIndows 8 Operating System Installation
Files that were used in your previous version of Windows are stored in the Windows.old folder.
you can safely reclaim disk space by using Disk Cleanup to delete the Windows.old folder and other temporary files .




in this tutorial,Video Demonstration is focused on following activities:
*How we can create Nested Menu on Menu Bar already created.
Nested Menus means menus within menu.
we can make a hierarchy of menus from one level to the other level.

Learn Visual Basic 6.0-Dropdown Menus or Sub Menus in Menu bar using Menu Editor


in this tutorial,Video Demonstration is focused on following activities:
*How we can create Dropdown  Menus or Sub menus on menubar already created.
Sub Menus are menus that are branch off from another menu items.


How we can create Menu Bar using Visual basic 6.0.
All Steps are easy and self explanatory.easily you can create menu bar without hassle.

Student Login Form Using Visual Basic 6.0- Tutorial-Quick and easy

Student Login Form using Visual Basic 6.0

How we can create a login form (Student Login Form) with ease.

I feel that you are much familiar with the controls and events of VB.
 Login Form is basically designed to verify the user before granting the access to use any system.

First we will create login form and do the authentication of user using simple lines of code..
Secondly we check that if login is successful then redirected the control to Main form.otherwise control willnot be redirected.
 simple steps  to create Student Login form.

Every one can create such kind of applications quickly.


Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim username As String
Dim password As String
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
If (username = Text1.Text And password = Text2.Text) Then
MsgBox "login successful......"

MsgBox "sorry..... login failed....try again...."
End If
End Sub


Friday, 17 April 2015

Custom Progress Bar in Splash Screen using Visual Basic 6.0-Tutorial Upd...

How you can build a customized Progress Bar in Splash screen using Visual Basic 6.0.
Video Demonstration focused on following parts
*How to develop a splash screen using VB.
*How to adjust the splash screen in the middle of the computer that it looks nice when splash screen is loading.
*Finally Customized Progress Bar using Visual Basic.
#How to design the progress bar first.
#How to change the properties of different controls used in Progress Bar.
#How to add code to make your progress bar functional .
For your more convenience ,i am adding the source code of the entire project here .
Source code for adjust the screen in the middle. and Source code for Progress Bar which must be written under Timer Control function.Click the file to download:

Dim ctr, ctr2, r As Double
Dim ctr3 As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub


Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
ctr = 0
If ctr2 <= 100 Then
    r = Int((200 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
    ctr = r / 50
    ctr = Round(ctr, 0)
    ctr = ctr2 + ctr
    ctr3 = Str(ctr)
        If ctr >= 100 Then
             Percentage.Caption = "100%"
             shpProgress.Width = 5000
             Unload Me
             shpProgress.Width = shpProgress.Width + r
             Percentage.Caption = (ctr3) + "%"
             ctr2 = Int(ctr3)
        End If
End If

End Sub

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Thursday, 2 April 2015

Picture Browser in Visual Basic 6 0- Using Drive List ,Directory List,Fi...


How you can create a picture Viewer/Browser in Visual Basic 6.0 with four controls Drive List Box ,Directory List Box,File List Box,Picture Box.
Just write a few lines of code and make some changes in the properties windows for each control .
Every one can create such application.
Private Sub Dir1_Change()
File1.Path = Dir1.Path
End Sub

Private Sub Drive1_Change()
Dir1.Path = Left(Drive1.Drive, 2)
End Sub

Private Sub File1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(File1.Path + "\" + File1.FileName)
End Sub



Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Installing Oracle Database 10g or latest versions on Windows

How we can install Oracle database on  Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 8.
How to install oracle 10 g or higher version (Express Edition) database Package in windows 7.It provides SQL* PLUS development tool , Interface for running SQL commands easily  and developing databases for the organisation.

You can download free oracle 10g database or higher version just by a single signup.

  1. We will install from the downloaded version. From the directory where the DVD files were unzipped, double-clicksetup.exe.Oracle 10g can be downloaded from only file sharing sites because Oracle provides only latest versions of oracle database software at no extra cost.just register on oracle and you will get the links for downloading Oracle Software.           Note:for all the Oracle versions,installation procedure remain need to worry about                            the installation.
  2.  The Oracle Universal Installer starts..........................................                                    Windows 7 or 8,automatically changes the recommended setting in your system and changes the appearance of your windows 7 to basic theme . A message may appear on the task bar while installation.                                             
  3.  You will perform a basic installation with a starter database.
  4.  Enter “orcl ” for the Global Database Name and “admin” for the Database Password and Confirm Password. Then click Next.                                                                                            
  5. The installer now verifies that the system meets all the minimum requirements for installing and configuring the chosen product. Please correct any reported errors  by clicking the checkbox against each warning error (warnings are OK) before continuing. When the check successfully completes (with or without warnings), click Next.                                                       

  6. If you received any warnings, you can proceed. Click Yes.                                                                         
  7. Review the Summary window to verify what is to be installed. Then, click Install.                                
  8. The progress window appears on the screen,showing the progress of installation on your system.                                                                                                            
  9. Progress windows will automatically closed and the Configuration Assistants window appears.                                                                                     

  10. Your database is now being created as per the setting imposed at the begining.                                                                                                    
  11. When the database has been created, you can unlock the users you want to use. Click Password Management.                                                                                                                                     
  12. Unlock SHOE and HR users by clicking on the check mark in the Lock Account? column. Enter the same name as the user in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. For example, to unlock SH user, enter SHin the New Password and Confirm Password fields. Then, click OK.                 
  13. Click OK again.                                                                                                                                      
  14. Click Exit                                                                                                                                            
  15. Click Yes to confirm exit.                                                                                                                          
  16. To run SQL *PLUS ,Click Start Button on the Taskbar.You will find Oracle Database in  All Programs ,then go to Application Development Folder to find SQL*PLUS  .Open SQL*PLus by single click.NowEnter the Username "orcl"  and Password "admin".Host String will left blank and click Ok.You will get message "Connected to Oracle "  successfully and a prompt appears SQL>.
  17. Now you can execute SQL Commands or queries easily . Enjoy!!!!!!.... :-)                                          Watch  Oracle Installation video for more help. 
  19. Thank you and have a nice day.Don't forget to subcribe my channel.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Speed Up Your Computer- Quick and easy

  Make your slower computer machine to run faster,preventing system crashes and free up the hard disk space with some essential computer tricks for speeding up your computer.
First of all,
#We will have to remove all the temporary files from your computer.As we know that these temporary files are created with every operation carried out  by the system and remain intact in the storage  after completion of task .hence slower down the performance of system.these files should be deleted from the memory.
here is method for deleting such files easily.
->Go to Run (Window Key + R)
->Type %temp% and Press Enter.

#Booting is the major issue when large number of programs are installed in the computer system.some programs may be queue with the booting programs while windows startup.these programs have the greater  impact over the booting time of system.Computer may take much more time to load all necessary programs as well as unwanted programs like Adobe Update,IDM Update,any software update etc in memory to start your computer
So, we have to  remove such programs which are not required while starting up of windows and improve the startup time and performance too.
->  in search box,type System Configuration
->Go to  Startup Tab,Uncheck unwanted programs of your computer and click Apply  and OK.
Warning :Don't uncheck any of the windows programs.otherwise System can't boot up next time.

#Use Disk cleanup Utility to remove unwanted files,Thumbnails,Temporary internet files etc from your system.

#Un-install the rarely used or unnecessary programs from your computer using computer control panel.

#Also ,change the graphics setting like windows themes,Screensavers etc .Don't install the theme outside the Microsoft store.these theme may have viruses or any suspicious programs,may cause malfunctioning.
#Always use geniuen operating system and good antivirus programs like Quickheal to protect your system from scam and viruses.
All these tricks are well explained in this video.if you like it please share.
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Author: Sandeep Kaundal