Wednesday, 23 September 2015

A Simple Visual Basic Database Application using Data Control -Tutorial...

(Browse the information of customers stored in NWIND.mdb Microsoft Access database using data control *without any programming)

Create a simple database application with MS Access Database provided in visual basic installation folder in C Drive.

Videos key points: (Without any programming )

How to link or connect to MS Access database with VB using data control.
How to connect or link our textbox or label with database.
How to hide the data control.
How to add navigation button for moving the records from beginning to last or previous to next etc.

First Step:
Locate the Database
Goto C: Drive and Open Program files.Now Find Microsoft Visual Studio folder.Open it and Select VB98 Folder and Open it also.Here you will find Two Access Databases NWIND.mdb and
Just Copy that files and place in another drive for user.

To connect database by Setting data control properties:
Database Name,Access And Record Source.
To display data with Text box or any other control by Setting control properties:
Data Source and Data field.

You will be able to develop the same application after watching this video.
please leave a comment for any suggestion or help.

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