Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Add,Delete ,Update,Search using VB6 DataGrid- ADODC and Access-Step by Step

Visual Basic Database Application:Add,Delete ,Update,Search Records Using Data Grid -Adodc Control and MS Access 2003-Step by Step
How to add ,delete,Update and Search records in DataGrid control placed on VB form.
How to change the properties to format the Data Grid control.
in this Application,I am using my previous App database (Student Database.mdb).
1.firstly ,Data Grid control and Adodc are not available on toolbox.So add these controls to form for use.
Next make the database connectivity using Adodc.DataGrid Control works only with ADODC control.So you have to use these two control on the form.One Adodc is used for database connectivity and Datagrid is used for display the records in the form of rows and columns.set the datasource property of Data Grid  to name of adodc for displaying the information in the form.
2.Once data is shown on the form,then set the datagrid property for adding ,deleting  and updating the records.
3.Add search capability to the datagrid.You can search the records by entering Name or RollNo in the textbox.if record is not available,it shows message"No Record Found".
4.How to filter the information about the students .
Everything is explained and performed in this application.

If you like my video,Please Hit like button and Subscribe to my channel for latest updates on tutorials.

Source Code:
Delete Record Command Button
Dim confirm As Integer

Private Sub delbtn_Click()
confirm = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the Record", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Warning Message")
If confirm = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Record Deleted Successfully", vbInformation, "Delete Record Confirmation"
MsgBox "Record Not Deleted", vbInformation, "Record Not Deleted"
End If
End Sub
General Category Command Button
Private Sub GEN_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='GEN'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Search By Roll No or Name :GO command Button

Private Sub gosearch_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where RollNo='" + Text1.Text + "' or Name='" + Text1.Text + "'"
If adogrid.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found,Enter any other Roll No or Name", vbCritical, "Message"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End If
End Sub
OBC Category Command Button
Private Sub obc_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='OBC'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Plus One Class Command Button
Private Sub plusone_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Class='Plus One'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
Plus Two Class Command Button
Private Sub plustwo_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Class='Plus Two'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
SC Category Command Button
Private Sub sc_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='SC'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
ST Category Command Button
Private Sub st_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info where Category='ST'"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub
View All Records Command Button
Private Sub viewall_Click()
adogrid.RecordSource = "Select * from Student_Info"
adogrid.Caption = adogrid.RecordSource
End Sub

Please leave  comments and suggestions.
If you like my video,Please Hit like button and Subscribe to my channel for latest updates on tutorials.

Monday, 9 November 2015

How to Install and Configure MySQL 5.6 Server on Windows PC-Step by Step...

Install and configure Generally available GA MySQL 5.6 Server on Windows PC.
MySQL is Open Source Database Management Software under General Purpose License.
This video tells:
How to download ,install and configure MySQL.
How to use MySQL Server command line for executing SQL Queries.Some examples of SQL queries are executed after the installation for demonstration purpose..

Please subscribe.. :-)

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Advanced Login System using Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Access-Quick and easy

Create An Advanced Login System in Visual Basic 6.0 and Ms Access.

Features of this application are

Splash screen with progress bar,Welcome form asking for login or register,Registration form for new users to get register,Multi-User Login form for existing users as well new users registered.As you login successfully,you will be able to use the system.

In this video tutorial,you will able to create a splash screen having a progress bar indicating % complted status,as loading completes,A new form i.2 Welcome form will appeared on screen asking for Login or Register as a User.You can either register as new user or login into the system.For registration,A form Registration is available to create new username and password.Simultaneously,after the registration,you will be able to login with your current username and password.
In the tutorial,There are five VB forms:
1.Splash Screen having Progress Bar.
2.Welcome Form asking for Login (Existing User )or Register (New User).
3.Registration form for creating new users to use the sytem.
4.Multi-User Login form where all the users registered with the system ,can login into the system and Use the system.
5.Application form,As you login with your correct credentials,then you will be able to use the system.
Database connectivity or other programming stuff are explained step by step with written caption.
After watching this video,you wll be create the same login application for your own use.
for more information ,click on the Link:
Please leave a comment for any query.if you like my video,hit like button.
for more informative videos on technologies ,please subscribe to my channel.

Source Code: Splash Screen
Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1.Enabled = True
Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 5
lblstatus.Caption = "Loading..Plz Wait.."
lblstat.Caption = ProgressBar1.Value & "%"
If ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Max Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Me
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub
Private Sub logbtn_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub regbtn_Click()
End Sub
Registration form